
山自高兮水自深!當塵霧消散,唯事實留傳.荣辱不惊, 看庭前花开花落; 去留随意, 望天上云展云舒.


Gmail New Features!

Posted on 2004-07-18 02:25  hbiftsaa  阅读(971)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报

What's new on Gmail?

Updated: 14-July 2004

You asked. We said they were coming. And now, they're here:

  • Import Contacts
    You've made a list. You've checked it twice. Now you never have to check it again. Move all your contacts from Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, and others to Gmail in just a few clicks. Then simply rely on our auto-complete feature to prefill all your addresses for you. Keep all your contacts in one place and keep in touch with all of them using Gmail. Learn more

  • Signature options
    From the settings page, create a signature that's automatically added to the end of all your outgoing messages. Change it as often as you like, but always get the last word. Learn more

  • Safari browser support
    Everybody's gone surfin'… now Mac OS X's Safari is surfing Gmail as well (versions 1.2.1 and newer).