ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Beta 0911 发布[再增两控件]


  • Seadragon

    Seadragon enables you to pan, zoom, and make an image full screen. You can use it, for example, to display interactive product pictures.

    Many thanks to Microsoft Live Labs for contributing this control.

  • AsyncFileUpload

    This new control enables you to perform file uploads without doing a postback. The control displays a throbber image during upload and raises client and server events when the upload is complete.

    Many thanks to Steven Lindsay for building this control.

继两个月前增加了HTMLEditor(html文本编辑框),ComboBox(下拉列表框),ColorPicker(颜色选择框) 三个实用控件后,现在又有两个有新意的出现了。


ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit 在线演示

与以往的发布不同的是, 此次并没有发布示例包及源代码,只发布了类库dll文件,声称可以在webform和 mvc中生成干净的html代码。看来此次发布已经完全支持了CDN。希望细节部分要多向jQuery学习。虽然是曾经弃用的产品,但还是对其抱有少许的期望。





posted @ 2009-11-19 20:49  风海迷沙  阅读(2331)  评论(14编辑  收藏  举报