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The semi-lagrangian stable fluid method, proposed by Joe Stam in 1999, stimulated fluid simulation in CG industry. It allows a large time step to be taken, which is essential for a short turn-around time. However, it is well known that this method suffers strong numerical dissipation. Many research has been done to reduce the dissipation. One of the simplest method, called MacCormack Method, was proposed by Selle et al. in 2007. The idea is simply to correct the error semi-lagrangian method makes by taking more steps. Its implementation is very easy, and the results are impressive.

Semi-lagrangian Velocity Advection

Unconditionally Stable MacCormack Velocity Advection

posted on 2009-01-01 08:45  BSSRDF  阅读(908)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报