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SSIS 尝试运行官方的示例 DataCleaning.sln项目


在Samplesdirectory 里打开目录:..Integration Services\Package Samples\DataCleaning Sample




SSIS 尝试运行官方的示例 DataCleaning.sln项目

The system cannot find the path specified.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070003)


解决这个问题 需要修改DataCleaning.dtproj文件,修改DataCleaning.dtsx的路径到正确的路径再重新打开解决方案即可。





(1)修改CreateTables.sql链接.选择CreateTables.sql右键编辑--》打开file connection manager editor,选择createtables.sql 文件




(2)修改数据库链接(记得选择save mypassword)


SSIS修改数据库链接(记得选择save mypassword)


3.按F5 运行下项目



Output 里输出如下错误:

SSIS package "DataCleaning.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC0202009 at DataCleaning, Connection manager"LocalHost.AdventureWorks": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code:0x80040E4D.

An OLE DB record is available.  Source:"Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D  Description:"Login failed for user 'sa'.".

Error: 0xC00291EC at Create CustomerAddress Reference Table View, PopulateNewCustomers Input Table and Create Output Tables, Execute SQL Task: Failed toacquire connection "LocalHost.AdventureWorks". Connection may not beconfigured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on thisconnection.

Task failed: Create CustomerAddress Reference Table View, PopulateNewCustomers Input Table and Create Output Tables

Warning: 0x80019002 at DataCleaning: The Execution method succeeded, butthe number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting infailure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified inMaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "DataCleaning.dtsx" finished: Failure.



原因是 ProtectionLevel设置错误.默认是DontSaveSensitive.我们需要修改它到EncryptSensitiveWithPassword.(无法修改到serverstorage,因为“使用 SQL Server 数据库角色保护整个包。只有将包保存到 SQL Server msdb 数据库后,才支持此选项。在将包从 BusinessIntelligence Development Studio 保存到文件系统时,不支持此选项。”)具体操作如下:


鼠标在DataCleaning.dtsx右键属性打开窗口:选择EncryptSensitiveWithPassword 并且设置密码


鼠标在DataCleaning.dtsx右键属性打开窗口:选择EncryptSensitiveWithPassword 并且设置密码




SSIS 运行成功后为绿色,会提示影响行数

posted on 2010-01-19 19:56  猪头  阅读(1847)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

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