Perron–Frobenius theorem:

1.There is a positive real number r, called the Perron root or the Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue, such that r is an eigenvalue of A and any other eigenvalue λ (possibly,complex) is strictly smaller than r in absolute value, |λ| < r. Thus, the spectral radiusρ(A) is equal to r.
2.The Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue is simple: r is a simple root of the characteristic polynomial of A. Consequently, eigenspace associated to r is one-dimensional. (Same is true for the left eigenspace i.e. eigenspace for AT.)
3.There exists an eigenvector v = (v1,…,vn) of A with eigenvalue r such that all components ofv are positive: A v = r vvi > 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. (Respectively exists positive left eigenvector w : wT A = r wTwi > 0.)转置就可以了。
4.There are no other positive (moreover non-negative) eigenvectors except v (respectively the left eigenvectors except w). I.e. all other eigenvectors must have at least one negative or complex component.
5. \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} A^k/r^k = v w^T, where the left and right eigenvectors for A are normalized so thatwTv = 1. Moreover the matrix v wT is the spectral projection corresponding to r, such projection is called the Perron projection.
6.Collatz–Wielandt formula: for all non-negative non-zero vectors x let f(x) be the minimum value of [Ax]i / xi taken over all those i such that xi ≠ 0. Then f is a real valued function whose maximum is the Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue.
7.Min-max Collatz–Wielandt formula is similar to the one above: for all strictly positive vectors x (pay attention that one above required only non-negativity here) let g(x) be the maximum value of [Ax]i / xi taken over i. Then g is a real valued function whose minimum is the Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue.
8.The Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue satisfies the inequalities:
数学证明:设 (λ, y)为A的一个特征值和特征向量,(r, x)为A的另一个特征值和特征向量。则r xt y = (xt A) y= xt (A y)=λ xt y。所以r=λ。


Posted on 2010-11-02 20:22  singlefold  阅读(7039)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报