微软10大幸运事件 eweek

Posted on 2009-03-13 22:26  A.Z  阅读(1417)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报

1. 微软同IBM达成非排他性MS-DOS许可协议

2. 克隆机大战

3. 微软与美国司法部达成和解避开拆分灾难

4. 微软制定软件担保计划

5. 微软发布Windows 95

6. Novell收购WordPerfect

7. Lotus没有及时搭上Windows快车

8. 杨致远拒绝微软提出的洽购请求

In February 2008, Microsoft made a $44.6 billion unsolicited bid for Yahoo. Microsoft courted hard, but then Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang hemmed and hawed, even after Microsoft upped its bid. The software giant offered a hefty premium of $31 a share and was ready to go to $33 when in May Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer retracted the offer. Steve should send Jerry flowers and chocolates every May Day. The deal later would have proved disastrous.

The September 2008 economic collapse sucked billions of dollars of value from the tech sector, among others. Microsoft would have paid even more than Yahoo was worth, accumulated at least $10 billon in debt and struggled through a massive integration project during a major software sales slowdown. Microsoft still wants a search deal with Yahoo, but getting stood up by Jerry was a big lucky break.

9. 乔布斯被迫离开苹果

10. “红色代码”病毒现身互联网